Sell to islanders... easily

Why sell on localsalt?

The localsalt Tuesday Food Hub is unique space created to
reconnect with our local food!


Tuesday Food Hub

Easy vendor drop off and
buyer pickup at the Tuesday Food Hub
plenty of parking and no Tuesday Market line ups!
Learn More
Payment system

Payments Made Easy

No more forgotten e-transfers!
Your customers can use credit card right from their phone


Sell as little or as much as you like.
Want a break? Pause your products.

No set up or subscription fees

Affordable, transparent, and secure

Once approved, it doesn’t cost a thing to list, and you only pay after your food sells.

Listing Fee
Transaction Fee

Send Us An Email

Think your product would be a good fit? Send us an email with your name, logo and which products you would like to list. 


Register and list your products

  • Register your business and upload products. 
  • Use your own photos and create a great bio!
  • Use of the Tuesday Food Hub. 

Let your network know where to buy your fabulous food

  • Social media, e-mail lists and soccer practice- let everyone know! The more folks know the more successful you will be! 
  • Send localsalt images and info so we can promote it too! 

Receive orders and sell your products

  • Receive notifications and accept orders. 
  • Package orders with the buyers name. 
  • Bring to the localsalt Food Hub between 9:30 - 1:00 on Tuesday

Withdraw payments

  • Monitor your balance and withdraw into your bank account whenever you like!
We process payments using Stripe. This allows for a variety of secure payment methods for your customers. It does cost a little extra to use these- but the security is the best. 


Here are some common questions about selling on localsalt

How do fees work on localsalt?

Joining and starting a shop on localsalt is free. There are no sign-up or subscription fees. There is a 10% fee of any sale to cover the secure payment processing fee and operations costs.  

Why can SALT JAR refillery sell off-island and non-food products?

The sales generated by the SALT JAR refillery subsidize the operations cost of running localsalt and the Tuesday Food Hub. In order to keep commissions low (10% is REALLY low) and accessible to our local food producers, package-free grocery essentials are sold alongside local food to make up the margin needed to run operations. 

How do I get paid?

Direct deposit to your bank account on the first Wednesday of the month. You can also manually withdraw your funds at any point. 

What can I sell on localsalt?

Make it, Bake it, Grow it!

The Rules:

1. Everything posted must be something that can be consumed (food and drinks) or cut flowers.

2. No illegal or controlled substances (alcohol, cannabis etc.)

3. We love superfoods, but only in their naturally occurring form, so please no medicine/tinctures/tablets etc.

4. Users must be in compliance with the “Guidelines for the Sale of Foods at Temporary Food Markets” in regards to low-risk and high-risk foods. This can be found at

5. Any produce sold must be locally home or farm-grown.

6. Products that are not locally sourced must be transformed into something baked or cooked.

7. Please be honest and kind. We are a community and this will only work if everyone plays by the rules.

Vendors and their products must be approved by localsalt admin. Posts that are flagged as in violation will be temporarily suspended and the owner contacted. The Tuesday Food Hub is a physical space that was created with the goal of reconnecting our food supply in a safe, sustainable way.  

Would you like to join localsalt? Please send us an email with your name, company info and products you would like to sell.

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