About localsalt Marketplace

We believe that the best pickles, baking and apples don't need to come from another continent or take a ferry boat ride. They can be grown by the accountant down the street or made by a retired baker who still loves making pies.

localsalt uses technology to return to what humans have naturally done for millennia – trade goods with their neighbours. localsalt just adds currency and convenience for the modern age. 

Why salt?
Salt was one of the earliest forms of currency because of its prized value as a food preservative. Roman generals would often pay their soldiers in salt. Salt is used to this day to preserve food and is also in the name of the creative community where localsalt is being launched. 

Reasons to buy

Fresh is best. The carrots from the farm down the street have used less time and carbon to get to your table. 
Easy payment. Don’t always have the exact change for your favorite driveway farm stand? Have your shopping paid for and ready to pick-up. 
Convenience. Don’t have an hour each Tuesday for the market lineups? Pre-buy, pop-in behind your favorite farm stand and be on your way.
Discover hidden gems. Who knew that a Michelin Star Chef retired down the street and makes crazy delicious pickled beets? You do now.   

Reasons to sell

Less waste. know exactly how much to harvest, bake or cook that day. 
Less work. localsalt works if you don’t want to commit the time and energy needed to maintain a well-run online business (dealing with payments, retaining customers, inventory etc).
Less Loss. If you have been on the receiving end of someone’s bad karma (theft), then a lock your localsalt pick-up a box with a combination lock and provide your buyers with the code. 
Validation and exposure. Reviews will let the community know just how incredible your Nanaimo bars really are and where to find them. 
More time. Spend more time doing what you love, instead of e-mailing or DM-ing logistics, answering questions and payment information with your customers. Just add a link to your localsalt page in your Instagram bio and voila! 
Who is behind localsalt?
Caitlyn Pal is the founder and visionary behind this project. Frustrated after trying to pre-order some home-made goods and also finding out that the vendors were just as overwhelmed with numerous e-mails and e-transfer issues – localsalt was born. Along with some help from some young, talented Saltspring island entrepreneurs, localsalt is on its way to change the way we think about buying our food!

Meet Our Team

Robert Downey Jr


Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

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