• Organic Toasted Sesame Oil

    Certified Organic


    Ingredients: 100% sesame seed oil


    Origin: Mexico


    Production: Sesame oil is toasted and expeller pressed



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  • Organic Sesame Oil

    Certified Organic Sesame Oil, Mexico


    Ingredients: 100% sesame seed oil


    Production: Sesame oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds and then filtering the liquid to remove undesirable particles.


    Qualities: the unique nutrients in sesame seeds are well preserved present in this raw, unrefined oil. It contains primarily polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The natural occurring sesame lignans, which help the antioxidant process, have been attributed to have numerous health benefits including blood cholesterol reduction, oxidative stress attenuation, lipid metabolism modification, anti-inflammatory effects, and vitamin-E enhancement, among others. Tocopherol and sesamol, both vitamin-E precursors, are the main antioxidants present in this oil.


    Refundable bottle deposit is applied during checkout


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